Book Review: Faithful Is Successful: Notes to the Driven Pilgrim. USA: Outskirts; 2014.


  • Nicollette Maunganidze Founder and President of Global-I



Faithful is Successful (Grills et al, 2014), a collection of memoirs penned by individuals from a designated demographic: “successful Christian professionals,” explores the topic of success from the Christian worldview.  This work leverages, most specifically, lessons learned from struggle and search on the topic, to explicate how success in vocation can and ought to be achieved. Inevitably canvassed subthemes include the definition in essence, the measuring stick(s) and expected exemplification of success. The latter, the authors suggest, a fruit one can only authentically interpret ex post. Overall, the undeniable page-turner is the refreshing honesty of each disclosure including contributions from a U.S Army serviceman turned hedge-fund co-founder in Africa and a respected artist working in Los Angeles, to name a few. Noteworthy is the fact that among contributors, authors Denholm and Grills, and editors Swamidass and Grills hail from the medical field. Not only them, but several of the authors have interfaced with the theme of this volume: “Caring in Conflict.” Whether at work or at home, interpersonal conflict has challenged some of the authors, and at times their families, as they negotiated their life journey’s in both old and new environments.

Author Biography

Nicollette Maunganidze, Founder and President of Global-I

Nicollette Maunganidze is Founder and President of Global-I, a non-profit organization with a dualistic mission of supporting, primarily through fundraising, opportunities that encourage self sufficiency; and raising conscious engagement in issues of global concern such as poverty, health, education, inequality and environmental sustainability. 

She holds a BA with honors in biology and public health fromSpelman College, and an MA in Economics, International relations, Finance & development from Johns Hopkins University.  She was a visiting research fellow at University of Melbourne, Nossal Institute for Global Health


Grills, N, Lewis, DE, and Swamidass, SJ, eds. Faithful Is Successful: Notes to the Driven Pilgrim. USA: Outskirts; 2014.




How to Cite

Maunganidze, N. (2015). Book Review: Faithful Is Successful: Notes to the Driven Pilgrim. USA: Outskirts; 2014. Christian Journal for Global Health, 2(1).