Christian milestones in global health: The Declarations of Tübingen


  • Steffen Flessa University of Greifswald Department of Health Care Management



leadership, declarations of Tuebingen, portfolio management, spirituality


The conferences on Christian Health Care which were hold in Tuebingen (Germany) in 1964 and 1967 are a foundation for understanding the role of Christian health care services in the healing ministry of the church. However, it has to be asked whether the findings of these conferences are still relevant for the 21st century. In this paper we analyse the changes of the global health care provision since the declarations of Tuebingen. Based on this analysis we argue that Christian health care services are still called to contribute to the struggle of health and healing worldwide, in particular for the vulnerables. However, this requires a thorough portfolio analysis of our services rendered and a focus on spirituality in particular of the leadership.


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How to Cite

Flessa, S. (2016). Christian milestones in global health: The Declarations of Tübingen. Christian Journal for Global Health, 3(1), 11–24.