For one who has suffered an injury

Jessica Smith Culver a

a Certified Natural Health Professional, New Road Health Coaching, Oregon, USA

O Christ my Healer,
You are intimately familiar with the pains of flesh and blood.
Even before you bore the many sufferings of the cross,
Your body, human as mine, endured the various batterings of life in a fallen world
I now experience. So be with me now in this injury.

My body has suffered a wound that reminds me of my frailty
and prevents my participation in the normal business of daily life.
I find my freedom to work and play suddenly limited,
    my movements restricted,
    my rest interrupted.
The simplest duties, so easily fulfilled in my wholeness,
    the simplest delights, so readily enjoyed,
    are unexpectedly hindered by the hurt I have suffered.
I am unaccustomed to such restriction of my abilities,
and keenly feel the weakness of my position.

O Lord, let me not in my weakness of body excuse weakness of character,
but rather let me faithfully honor You in times of pain as well as times of ease.
Give me grace to grow through this temporary discomfort.
When I am tempted to complain, remind me to be content in all circumstances.
When I am tempted to give way to frustration and anger, teach me patient endurance.
When I am tempted to indulge in self-pity, show me anew the sufferings of Christ,
that I might humbly imitate His example through my lesser pain.

As this injury to one part of my body has so greatly affected the whole,
I am reminded that I too am a small but necessary part of the greater Body of Christ.
Use this occasion to form in me a greater love for Your beloved Church, O Lord.
Let me love and care for my fellow members by serving them in the ways I am able,
and by graciously allowing them to serve me in my need.
Keep me from any ingratitude or pride that might hinder our fellowship.

I praise You, O God, that You have wondrously created my body with the ability to heal,
mysteriously restoring my bones, muscles, tissues, and cells
by the marvelous natural processes You have so perfectly ordained.
Even while I wait for this renewal of my damaged flesh to be fulfilled,
may my soul find healing in these days of retreat from my usual labors and pastimes.
As I recover, let me find a needed inner renewal in quiet communion with You.
Turn my heart always to hope in the final healing of all things,
    when all injury will be restored,
    all brokenness renewed,
    and all pain erased forever.
I praise You, Lord Christ, for the assurance of this gift
in Your wounded body, now resurrected and eternally glorified.


Peer Reviewed: Submitted 7 March 2023, Revised & Accepted 8 April 2023, Published May 2023

Competing Interests: None declared.

Correspondence: Jessica T Culver, Oregon, USA jessica@newroadhealthcoaching.com

Cite this article as: Culver JT. For one who has suffered an injury. Christ J Global Health. May 2023; 10(1):56-57. https://doi.org/10.15566/cjgh.v10i1.759

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