Teaching quality improvement in Tanzania: a model of inter-professional partnership for global health development


  • John Kvasnicka Shoulder to Shoulder
  • Ken Olson Shoulder to Shoulder
  • Mufwimi Saga Christian Social Services Commission of Tanzania
  • Ignas Danda Christian Social Services Commission of Tanzania
  • Randy Hurley Shoulder to Shoulder
  • Gary Moody Shoulder to Shoulder
  • Cindy Wilke Global Health Administration Partners




Education, Quality Improvement, Tanzania, Health, development


Background:  Education is a universal need in health care and a tool for quality improvement.  We developed a two-day medical education conference in Iringa, Tanzania that has now evolved to teach the basics of quality improvement to an inter-professional audience from the 28 hospitals in the southern zone of the Tanzania Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC)

Methods: We describe the planning, budget, implementation, evolution and evaluation of this on-going medical education conference.  Representatives from medicine, nursing, pharmacy and administration from all 28 hospitals were invited to attend.  Attendees evaluated the conference and individual lectures on a 5 point scale. In addition, attendees were asked to rate the most important learning aspect of the conference

Results:  Over 100 Tanzanian health professionals and administrators from the 28 hospitals in the southern zone of the CSSC attended.  Evaluation forms were completed by 28 attendees.  The 2016 conference received an overall rating of 4.0 on a 5 point scale. The individual lectures received an overall rating of 4.2 on a 5 point scale. Quality improvement techniques and co-leadership topics were rated as most useful by attendees.

Conclusion: We provide a framework for developing a medical education conference that can be replicated in other settings. Teaching the basics of quality improvement by having hospital leadership teams develop individual quality improvement projects was found to be a highly useful method of instruction

Author Biographies

John Kvasnicka, Shoulder to Shoulder

MD, MBA, Shoulder to Shoulder

Ken Olson, Shoulder to Shoulder

MD, Shoulder to Shoulder

Mufwimi Saga, Christian Social Services Commission of Tanzania

Assistant Medical Officer, Christian Social Services Commission of Tanzania

Ignas Danda, Christian Social Services Commission of Tanzania

Assistant Medical Officer, Christian Social Services Commission of Tanzania

Randy Hurley, Shoulder to Shoulder

MD, Shoulder to Shoulder

Cindy Wilke, Global Health Administration Partners

MHA, Global Health Administrative Partners


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How to Cite

Kvasnicka, J., Olson, K., Saga, M., Danda, I., Hurley, R., Moody, G., & Wilke, C. (2017). Teaching quality improvement in Tanzania: a model of inter-professional partnership for global health development. Christian Journal for Global Health, 4(1), 34–45. https://doi.org/10.15566/cjgh.v4i1.129