Caring for the Earth for Better Health and Well-being of All: Addressing Climate Change as a Planetary Health Emergency


  • James Hospedales EarthMedic and EarthNurse Foundation for planetary health



climate change, earth care, Christian, Stewardship


Most of the major public health problems with which I have wrestled in my life – epidemics and pandemics, natural disasters, chronic noncommunicable diseases, are all symptomatic of, or related to, climate change and/or destruction of the environment. As a Christian, the roots lie in lack of respect for our Creator, and lack of reverence for the goodness and inter-dependence of all of creation.

Author Biography

James Hospedales, EarthMedic and EarthNurse Foundation for planetary health

A lover of nature, an accomplished public heath physician, a person of faith, a father, grandfather, gardener and woodworker, Dr Hospedales founded EarthMedic/EarthNurse to mobilise health professionals to urgently address the climate and health crisis. Trained in medicine at University of the West Indes, he specialised in public health in the UK – MSc from London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health (FFPH) of the UK Royal College of Physicians


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How to Cite

Hospedales, J. (2021). Caring for the Earth for Better Health and Well-being of All: Addressing Climate Change as a Planetary Health Emergency. Christian Journal for Global Health, 8(1), 3–7.